Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tip #15 Getting in Whole Grains

I have not been posting too many tips lately due to the season- I have been up to my elbows trying to preserve some of the fruit and veggies that are cheap and available this time of year.  I have a great tip for saving some of that watermelon.  This seems to be a bumper year for watermelon.  But I digress and I will get to the watermelon recipe another time.  Tonight for dinner I threw together a stir fry using one of my favorite light stir fry recipes from the Cook's Illustrated The Best Light Recipe cookbook (highly recommend the book).  I didn't have time to bake brown rice the way I like it, so I was quickly making white rice.  However, I ran out and had to throw some brown rice into the pot.  I used to think that mixing brown and white rice in one pot wasn't feasible due to their different cooking times, but I have since discovered this works.  The texture of our rice tonight was great and our whole grain intake increased. Last night I did it with pasta.  I put in half whole wheat pasta 2 minutes before some regular pasta.  You see, in our household we have some biases.  Stephen spent 2 years in Italy eating regular pasta and  I spent 18 months in the Philippines eating white rice.  So sometimes we get a little crabby about whole wheat pasta and brown rice.  But mixing is a great compromise and better for us.
~Here's to Healthy Eating

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips Tara! We all know we are supposed to eat more whole grains - this is a great way to help us make it happen.
