This could also be titled Food Safety Sunday. As I fixed my girls lunch today, I was tempted to take a bite out of their saucepan of soup and put the spoon back in. This is not a good idea for 2 reasons: of course the germs from my mouth can multiply and spread to others who will eat the soup- especially when the soup is in the "danger zone"- between 41 and 140 degrees F. The longer your food is between these temps, the higher the risk of bacteria multiplication. But another reason that some people might not realize is that our saliva actually contains the enzyme amylase that helps in breaking down food. Digestion starts in your mouth! This is most important in simple carbohydrate foods like yogurt- if you eat half of a carton of yogurt and put the other in the fridge, the next day you will notice that it's all watery and broken down. That's your amylase at work. (As a side note to moms- this is why a dentist will tell you not to use the same spoon as your little one when testing their baby food or showing them how yummy their dinner is. Your amylase can actually damage their baby teeth as well. Fascinating stuff!)
~Here's to Healthy Eating
I did not know that - about not tasting from the baby spoon. Thanks!